Saturday, June 04, 2005

Second Post! (note to self: need better titles)

I really should be doing homework for summerschool, but this seems less productive.

Now the second post is the vital one. If I start ranting about politics, people will write off the site as purely political. If I work out my frustrations with Wolverine joining the Avengers, I'll be pigeonholed as a comic geek blogger.

So, for purely selfish reasons, I'll post areas that need improvement in my life just as a way of recording them so I'll actually maybe work on them:

Buy and eat vegetables regularly
Record any and all dreams, visions, etc.
Schedule next semester, including new major (I'm dual majoring;)
Find a new job.
Dating would be nice.
Meditate! Work up a routine!
Work on that second degree black belt for Judo. Just a little more....
Get a working copy of ZeroPlus going ( custom language I'm working on)

There we go. Still not confortable posting the more personal stuff, but this is a good start.

(do I need a signature for my own blogsite?)

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