Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Republican Party needs only one tentpole

The way our electoral system is set up in America, there will always be two major parties, each trying to reach just over 50% of the populace. As such, strange bedfellows are all but a given (union workers & environmentalists, big business & religious conservatives, etc). This alliance on the Republican side is fracturing, and if things are not changed they will become the next Whig Party, and lost to history.

The Republican Party needs to stand for something, and they haven't in a looong time. Right now, the only thing keeping them together (and the Tea Parties as well) is standing against something: Barack Obama's agenda. Every so-called principal was abandoned during the Bush era, with the final nail in the coffin was the selection of presidential candidate John McCain, whose platform was reduced to "Lookit me, I'm a Veteran" and "Earmarks ur bad" and then 'suspending his campaign' to vote for the bailouts. If he'd stood up to Bush and voted against that egregious pork-filled government intervention in the marketplace, he might've won.

So, now the GOP is doing some soul searching. Well, better late than never. There is one thing, and only one thing that can save this party. One principal that can garner support from the unease and opposition to Barrack Obama, recruit young people, and do an end run around Rush Limbaugh fans without alienating them. What is this radical new idea, you say?

Fiscal Conservatism. Remember that?

Yeah, I know. Crazy idea. But wait, aren't Republicans for "tax cuts"? Ostensibly. But do you know what's even better than "tax cuts"? Spending cuts! Because cutting government revenue and increasing spending ('cause who's against that?) leads to... huuuge deficits. Which now threaten to destroy the country.

Actual fiscal conservatism means reducing the size and scope and spending of the federal government. No new spending, no more bailouts, no more entitlements, no more endless undeclared wars. We need to start rolling everything back, and certainly stop adding to the problem.

Nobody in my generation expects to have Social Security. It's a pyramid scheme. Phase it out. Anyone born in the 1960's gets 50% benefits, 70's get 25%. Boom. Done. Next.

Bring the troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Germany, Japan, and the rest of the freaking planet that can support itself yet we defend on our own dime. And stop all that foreign aid, real allies don't need bribes.

For goodness sakes, return issues like health care and education and illegal drugs to the states. See, they have to have balanced budgets. Many states will be able to figure something out, and other states will follow suit or people will move there themselves.

Stop all the fascist market regulations. Yes you read that right. The federal government requiring you to buy goods and services is horrendous. Shouldn't we have a freer marketplace than, say, China?

Do tax reform last. You read that right, LAST. We have tens of trillions of dollars in debt, and hundreds more in unfunded mandates. Take care of those first. For too long Republicans have done a targeted 1% tax cut and allowed 5% more in spending, and called themselves fiscal conservatives. This ends now.

Whatever your position (pro/anti) for the War on Terror/Drugs/Poverty/What-have-you, or abortion, school prayer, and so-called family values (insert definition here)... if we don't stop this monstrous federal growth and spending those other issues won't really matter because we won't have a country left.

(Gary Johnson 2012)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tea Party Health Care Reform Platform

As a long time proponent of limited government, a supporter of Ron Paul during his 2008 presidential campaign, and now an active participant in the Tea Party protests, I figured it is about time I lay out my health care positions. Even better, I'm going to simplify the counter-arguments against the Democrat/Obamacare proposals to only five basic precepts.

1. We can't afford it.
The federal government is spiraling towards bankruptcy. With all the bailouts, the falling revenues, overseas adventures, and countless social services, we literally can't afford to spend any more money. We're spending more than 100 billion dollars a month than we're taking in (or printing). We can't afford what we have now, and we want to spend more?!? If anything, we need to CUT SPENDING dramatically.

2. Tort Reform.
Doctors perform unnecessary (and expensive) tests so they don't get sued. They charge more to pay for malpractice insurance. We need an overhaul of the legal system so doctors can do what they think is best for the patients instead of covering their rears. If a doctor screws up he should lose his certification.

3. Lower costs by tossing regulations.
You can't buy health insurance across state lines, which reduces competition and keeps prices up. You can't go to unlicensed practitioners (who would be less expensive). Natural foods with legitimate health benefits are prohibited from advertising them at all by the FDA. Importing drugs from outside the country is illegal, and prescription drug companies have lobbied Congress for decades for "regulations" that keep competitors out and prices high. Countless mandates and regulations are stifling and overpowering free-market forces, creating burgeoning bureaucracies and inflating prices. Legalize drugs while your at it!

4. End subsidies that increase costs/rationing.
Medicare, Medicaid, Prescription Drug Benefits, even the VA are all making health care more expensive for the rest of us. This is because they pay up the maximum amount for services, patients get as much care as they can because they aren't paying for it (directly at least), and payments are immune to market forces so potential competitors cannot compete and prices stay high. So naturally the Democrats want to throw more government money into the pool, increasing the demand (but not the supply), which will inevitably lead to lines and rationing. Instead we need to prevent new people from going on these expensive programs, fulfill our obligations to people already on them, and eventually dismantle them entirely, and let the free market fulfill this obviously high demand for services.

5. Maximize choice and personal freedoms.
I cannot conceive of anything more small scale and local than my own body. Abandon all Federal oversight and turn the whole mess over to the states/counties/cities where people can vote for whatever crazy regulations they think they want, see what works, and flee the region when it all comes crashing down in flames. Will Democrats really want Conservatives making health determinations for them when they're back in power? Its my body, and 90% of the time I'm going to know whats best for me, not some distant bureaucracy.



Friday, July 24, 2009

Warcraft Level Brackets

In the last patch, WoW is enabling experience in Battlegrounds, and also allowing experience to be turned off. The second change in particular can have extraordinary repercussions. Leveling since WotLK has been very easy, and tons of content is being bypassed so people can get to 80 ASAP. But with experience turned off, all the old content can come back into play as people try to be the best level 60 or 70 (or whatever) they can, and see the extensive but until now irrelevant (gearwise) old content once more.

BLIZZARD needs to take this idea and run with it, and not just with Battlegrounds. Arena brackets, instances, tournaments, quests, item level and quality... If people are not leveling, they are gearing out up and exploring the content. So here's what I think the revamped level brackets should be:

1st. [01-10] One Talent.
Journeyman skill level
1 Battleground. New: Warsong Gulch
8 new Zones: Durotar, Tirisfal Glades, Mulgore, Eversong Woods, Elwynn Forest, Azuremyst Isle, Teldrassil, Dun Morogh
Instance: Ragefire Chasm
No sets?

2nd. [11-20] 3 talent tiers. Mounts!
Expert Skill level
2 Battlegrounds. New: Arathi Basin
9 new zones: Loch Modan, Westfall, Bloodmyst Isle, Darkshore, Ghostlands, Silverpine Forest, The Barrens (split in Cataclysm). Redridge Mountains, Stonetalon Mountains.
3 new instance: Wailing Caverns, The Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep,
Sets: Defias Leather (Deadmines), Embrace of the Viper (Wailing Caverns)

3rd. [21-35] 6 talent tiers.
Artisan Skill level
2 Battlegrounds.
6 new Zones: Ashenvale Forest, Duskwood, Wetlands, Hillsbrad Foothills. Thousand Needles, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale
9 new instances: Blackfathom Deeps, Stormwind Stockade Razorfen Kraul, Gnomeregan, The Scarlet Monastery (4 wings: Graveyard, Library, Armory, Cathedral), Razorfen Downs
Sets: Chain of the Scarlet Crusade (Scarlet Monastery).

4th. [36-45] 8 talent tiers. Fast Mounts!
Master skill level
2 Battlegrounds.
7 new Zones: Dustwallow Marsh, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Hinterlands, Feralas, Tanaris, Searing Gorge
5 new instances: Uldaman, Zul'Farrak, Maraudon, Sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar, Blackrock Depths
Sets: The Gladiator (Blackrock Depths)

5th [46-50] 9 talent tiers
6 new Zones: Blasted Lands, Azshara (reduced in cataclysm), Felwood, Un'goro Crater, Burning Steppes, Western Plaguelands
6 new instances: Dire Maul (3 wings: East, West, North), Lower Blackrock Spire {10-man}, Scholomance, Upper Blackrock Spire {15?-man},
Sets: 4 Scholomance sets, Ironweave Battlesuit (Blackrock Spire), Dungeon Set 1 & 2

6th [51-55] 10 talent tiers.
3 Battlegrounds. New: Alterac Valley.
5 new zones: Eastern Plaguelands, Winterspring, Moonglade, Silithus, Deadwind Pass
6 new instances: Stratholme, Zul'Gurub {20-man}, Molten Core {40-man}, Blackwing Lair {40-man}, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj {20-man}, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj {40-man}
Sets: Tier 1 (Molten Core). Tier 2 (Blackwing Lair). Tier 3? The Postmaster (Stratholme), PvP-Rare set. Arathi Basin sets. Zandalar Tribe set (Zul'Gurub). Cenarion Circle set and Brood of Nozdormu set (Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj). Tons of Leatherworking sets.

7th [56-60] 11 talent tiers. Burning Crusade! Death Knights!
Grand Master skill level
3 Battlegrounds.
3 new zones: Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest
6 new instances: Hellfire Citadel (2 wings: Hellfire Ramparts, The Blood Furnace), Coilfang Reservoir (2 wings: Slave Pens, The Underbog), Auchindoun (2 wings: Mana-Tombs, Auchenai Crypts)

8th. [61-65] 12 Talent tiers. Flight.
4 Battlegrounds. New: Eye of the Storm
3 new zones: Nagrand, Blade's Edge Mountains, Caverns of Time
9 new instances: Caverns of Time (2 wings: Escape from Durnholde Keep, Opening the Dark Portal), Auchindoun (2 wings: Sethekk Halls, Shadow Labyrinth,), Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault, Hellfire Citadel (2 wings: Shattered Halls, Magtheridon's Lair {25-man}), Karazhan {10-man}, Gruul's Lair {25-man},
Sets: Tier 4 (Karazhan, Gruul's Lair and Magtheridon's Lair). PvP-Epic set. Zandalar crafted sets. BC Uncommon crafted sets?

9th. [66-70] 13 talent tiers! WotLK! Fast flying mounts!
4 Battlegrounds.
5 new zones: Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Isle of Quel'Danas
12 new instances: Tempest Keep (4 wings: The Mechanar, The Botanica, The Arcatraz, The Eye {25-man}), Magisters' Terrace, Zul'Aman {10-man}, Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern {25-man}, Caverns of Time: Battle for Mount Hyjal {25-man}, Black Temple {25-man}, Sunwell Plateau {25-man}. Utgarde Keep, The Nexus.
Sets: Tier 5 (Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye). Tier 6 (Hyjal Summit, Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau). Dungeon Set 3. Gladiator aka S1 PvP armor. Rare crafted sets? Battlegear (PvP) set. Merciless Gladiator aka S2 PvP armor. Vengeful Gladiator aka S3 PvP armor. Brutal Gladiator aka S4 PvP armor. Epic crafted sets, Resistance sets.

10th. [71-75] 14 talent tiers! Legacy cold weather flying?
6 battlegrounds. New: Strand of the Ancients, Isle of Conquest
6 new zones: Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, Zul'Drak, Sholazar Basin, Crystalsong Forest, Storm Peaks
13 new instances: Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Drak'Tharon Keep, The Violet Hold, Gundrak, The Oculus, Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme, Utgarde Pinnacle, Naxxramas {10/25-man}, Obsidian Sanctum {10/25-man}, Ulduar (3 wings: Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, Ulduar {10/25-man})
Sets: Tier 7 (Naxx, Obsidian Sanctum), Tier 8 (Ulduar)

11th. [76-80] 15 talent tiers. Cold weather flying. Cataclysm?
6 battlegrounds.
3 new zones: Hrothgar's Landing, Icecrown, Wintergrasp
12 new instances: Trial of the Champion, Icecrown Citidel (4 Wings: Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection, Icecrown Citadel {10/25-man}), The Eye of Eternity {10/25-man}, Vault of Archavon {10/25-man} (3 wings: Archavon, Emalon, Koralon), Onyxia's Lair {10/25-man}, Crusader's Coliseum (2 wings: Trial of the Crusader {10/25-man}, Trial of the Grand Crusader {10/25-man}).
Sets: Tier 9 (Crusaders' Coliseum), Tier 10 (Icecrown)

All of the brackets above should have their own exclusive battlegrounds, arenas, and instances. And if I were Blizzard, I would create Dedicated/Hardcore characters at levels 10, 20, 35, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 that started out with all of the abilities learned for that level but could not gain any experience. Or, more likely, I would create a new type of Server/Realm (like a RP or PVP server) and let anybody with a level 80 warlock (for example) create a hardcore warlock at any prescribed level up to 75. Very liberating, I would think.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

LotR fanedit proposal

Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy should have been six movies. Tolkien wrote one massive story divided into six books that was artificially formed into 3 novels by publishers. Unfortunately, PJ tried to preserve this format, and the whole Frodo/Sam/Gollum arc that was and is the heart of the story got subsumed and overwhelmed timewise by the sidequests of the fellowship.

Fortunately there are a number of movie fanatics out there that like to re-edit movies to save directors from themselves. You should see how many Star Wars fanedits there are out there. Anyway, I propose that the Lord of the Rings be overhauled into 6 movies, taking out unnecessary PJ additions wherever possible, and ideally reflect the original intentions of Tolkien. Parts I and II are rather straightforward considering the linear nature of Fellowship. Part III is more problematic, but I would redact quite a bit, adding back the reunion at Isenguard, leave some of the later Gollum stuff, stopping right after the Gates of Mordor. I have a very detailed outline, but I'll get to that later.

Anyway, for this post, I'll be focusing on Part IV. Based on the Extended Edition unless stated otherwise.

Prologue from RotK: Deagul finds the Ring, Gollum takes it.
Smeagul/Gollum argument from TTT. Until "Murderer" accusation
2nd half of prologue. Gollum narrates his changes after murdering Deagul.
Smeagul makes Gollum go away. Sam stews rabbits. Capture by Faramir.

More RotK. Edoras. Legolas "eye of the enemy is moving"
Pipin can't sleep, swipes Palantir.

Elven 'prologue' from TTT about Sauron, cutting in right after Sarmuan stuff.
Mapscene with Faramir, Frodo and Sam 'prisoners', Boromir family reunion flashback.
After the Forbidden Pool, truncated scenes from theatrical version. Off to Gondor.

Discus palantir info. Pipin leaves with Gandalf. Merry laments. Same as movie.

Theatrical version: Arrival at Osgiliath, Faramir shoots Nazgul, no Sam speech.
Escape thru sewers from EE.

Pipin/Gandalf arrive at Minas Tirith. Unchanged until asked about death of Boromir.
Extended death of Boromir from FotR
Continuing with Denethor. Background on city. "Help must come to us"

Tea time, Crossroads scene, now back to RotK.
Aragorn/Eowin great wave dream?
Gollum Reflection scene, stopping right before fight with Sam (though he heard it)

Minas Morgul sequences. Very nicely ties together Gandalf and Frodo storylines.
Osgiliath river attack sequence.
Stairs: "he wants it"
Faramir "fall back to Minas Tirith", saved by Gandalf

Theatrical "go home" scene, reduced however possible.
Denethor/Faramir confrontation.
Shelob's cave sequence, theatrical version.
Gandalf's task for Pipin, theatrical
Sam vs. Shelob, Frodo captured by orcs
Lighting of beacons, ending with silhouette of Aragorn

Massive changes, I know. Almost the entire Gollum arc, Faramir is a main character and a good guy (*gasp!*), two plotlines heavily intertwined and almost aware of each other (unlike the arbitrariness of the film versions), and much faster moving since there isn't half an hour between appearances. Heck, even Boromir gets a heck of alot of screentime, as well he should since the movie is about the consequences of his death.

Anyway, just wanted to put these ideas down somewhere before they were lost. I've got Parts V & VI done as well, I'll post those eventually. And hey, hopefully I'll inspire some aspiring faneditor out there as well...


Sunday, June 07, 2009

Perfect Warlock Rotation

I've been working on a super Shadow Bolt spec for my level 80 Warlock for World of Warcraft. At the moment, it looks like this:


Yes, I know, really weird looking Destruction/Affliction hybrid spec. But its designed to majorly beef up all of the Shadow spells: Curse of Agony, Corruption, Shadowburn, and of course Shadow Bolt. Plus I get Conflagrate, which rocks. Now whats the rotation for this weird setup you might ask? It goes something like this:

Always start with Life Tap, then

Shadow Bolt
Shadow Bolt
Curse of Agony
Shadow Bolt
Shadow Bolt

Repeat until dead. Looks a little funny, but over the course of 24 seconds, Shadow Embrace is always up (stacked twice), Conflag goes off right at the end of Immolate, and Curse of Agony and Corruption are always up, tho Corruption does get clipped on a regular basis.

Of course, with Nightfall, Backlash, and the Glyph of Corruption, there will be a whole bunch of instant cast Shadow Bolts. Might that mess up this awesome rotation? No! In fact, those open up holes in the rotation for supplementary spells:

Shadow Bolt {then} Searing Pain (Chance for Pyroclasm proc)
Shadow Bolt {then} Shadowflame (In case Conflag misses Immolate)
Curse of Agony {if near death} Shadowburn (Finishing move, great w/Conflag)
Shadow Bolt {then} Death Coil (Daze prevents Horror?)
Shadow Bolt {then} Life Tap (Useful anytime)

And still keeps that 24 second cycle going! Nice, eh?

(Not my usual blogpost, I know...)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Musings on the upcoming Hobbit Movie

I'm a huge Middle-Earth fan, I've been giving quite a bit of thought on the upcoming Hobbit movies. Now, for quite a while there, it looked like the second movie was going to 'bridge' the timeframe between the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings... certainly there was a great deal of potential there. Fortunately, they've just decided to split the book in two instead. Now the chapters for The Hobbit look like this:

[1] An Unexpected Party
[2] Roast Mutton
[3] A Short Rest
[4] Over Hill And Under Hill
[5] Riddles in the Dark
[6] Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
[7] Queer Lodgings
[8] Flies and Spiders
[9] Barrels Out of Bond

[10] A Warm Welcome
[11] On the Doorstep
[12] Inside Information
[13] Not At Home
[14] Fire and Water
[15] The Gathering of the Clouds
[16] A Thief in the Night
[17] The Clouds Burst
[18] The Return Journey
[19] The Last Stage

Now there are several potential 'climaxes' for the first movie: escaping Gollum, death of Smaug, etc. It was my father who first suggested what now seems obvious to me... What chapter is half-way thru the book? Why Barrels Out of Bond, of course. Bilbo saves the company from imprisonment by the elves by use of his wits. Here the book also transitions from getting to Smaug to dealing with Smaug. Arriving at Laketown is a great place to begin the 2nd movie. And if an Elvish prisonbreak isn't exciting enough, at the exact same time Gandalf and the White Council are driving the Necromancer (aka Sauron) from Dol Gulder in Mirkwood!

Which brings me to my other source of glee: del Toro is going into all the backstory! And what a backstory. The fall of Moria, the war of Orcs and Dwarves, the fates of Thorin's father and grandfather, Aragorn as a kid, Prince Legolas and his father, Saruman leading the White Council, Gloin the father of Gimli, and how the Quest is ultimately about preventing an alliance between Sauron and Smaug. Tons of material to draw from, especially from the appendices from LotR.

Something to think about.


Saturday, May 16, 2009


*removed for length*




Sunday, May 03, 2009

Supreme Court Amendment(s?)

There is almost nothing in the Constitution about the Supreme Court, or about the judicial branch in general. So we might as well establish their power to overturn unconstitutional laws within the constitution itself, but with a few tweaks.

For instance, the US Supreme Court should only be allowed to throw out federal laws, not state laws, they have their own supreme courts. However, they should be able to nullify international treaties, since those are federal. Lower courts should have the same powers.

While we're at it, we need way more circuit courts... How about starting at 50 (one per state) and adding as needed. Right now there's too much power in too few hands.

Lastly, there needs to be a fixed number of Justices in the Constitution. Right now the number of 9 is only by law and tradition, it needs to be more foundational. I propose that we should have 12, which would mean both higher turnover and less impact from a single nominee. Yes, that is an even number, which is where the Chief Justice comes in. He should vote only for tie votes (which would be less frequent with a larger court).

Now for the most controversial idea: the Chief Justice should be an elected position. I know the reasons for appointments... impartiality and all that. But think about it, the people of the USA only vote for one, ONE national office, that of the President (paired with the VP). They need more say. And there's little public influence or accountability in the Judicial branch. Making the head of that branch open to public scrutiny and approval would be good for our democratic republic, and with the actual voting power weakened, the Chief Justice would be more of a symbolic figurehead, a spokesman for the judicial system, for good or ill.

Optimally, the Chief would be elected ever four years, 2 years out of phase from the presidential elections. This would prevent it from being overshadowed by that election, and raise the profile of congressional elections.

(yes, I do think about these things)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

An Engineered Market

This is an email I received that is is quite enlightening:

All economies are engineered since the beginning of social organization. Once a group of hunter gatherers got to a critical mass of people the became a tribe and found consensus on a chief. part of the chief's responsibility was to control trade. If he did well then the tribe grew and prospered if not then they ceased to exist as a tribe or they got a new chief. Knowledge is not power and neither is action from knowledge. True power comes from the control of the action of others.

So how does this relate to our current economic situation? We have had 26 downturns in the economy with the worst being the "Great Depression" of 1929 to 1941. This was one was different because of its worldwide effect and its severity. The Depression has been raging since August of 1929. Unemployment is up to 25% of the population. Deflation has dropped prices of goods and commodities; farms and houses are going into foreclosure at an alarming rate. Almost 10,000 banks have closed and people are scared. Then suddenly in March 1933 everything gets better overnight. Coincidentally Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) takes over as President that very month. He starts his first 100 days passing New Deal programs at a record pace. But I thought everything got better in March 1933? Why did he enact all these programs if had already gotten better? I will look at that and more in this missive. I will some of the programs, agencies, and significant persons involved. I will discuss the success and failures of each of these and then decide whether the New Deal was a good deal or a bad deal.

The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was one of FDR’s first programs enacted. Its mandate was simple fix prices. It was run by Hugh Johnson appointed by FDR himself. Once prices were stabilized the workers would get higher wages through collective bargaining; sounds like a great idea doesn’t it. There were parades with thousands of citizens marching and showing their support. Now if prices stay the same and wages go up what happens to profits? The only way to make more money was to do more with less people, not a good way to reduce unemployment. Business started using the NRA codes to stifle competition and pushed to raise prices. In 1935 the Supreme Court declared the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) unconstitutional making the NRA defunct. Apparently Congress had delegated legislative power to the executive branch to approve codes with the force of law; sounds familiar doesn’t it.

FDR created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) finding work projects for young men, the Federal Relief Administration giving half a billion to states to cover unemployment, and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to build dams for hydro-electric power. He created the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) as a watchdog for Wall Street, The Home Owner’s Loan Corporation to prevent foreclosures, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA). What does he get for all this enacting? The share our wealth society founded by Huey Long wanting to redistribute income and wealth, labor riots, strikes, a 3 percent decline in unemployment and a marginal rise in the Gross National Product (GNP).

The second new deal starts with the National Labor Relations Act by Senator Robert Wagoner. Now FDR gets a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) protecting their right to organize and collectively bargain. The Social Security Act creates a federal pension through a new payroll tax. The Wealth Tax Act hits the rich, inheritors, and corporate profits. The public utilities are reorganized under the Public Utility Holding Act. The Banking Act gives FDR the Federal Reserve Board where members are positions are presidential appointments. What does he get for all this? By 1938 the GNP is down, unemployment at 19% and the stock market plunges by 25 percent.

I believe the New Deal accomplished quite a few of its goals of social and political reform. I didn’t agree with Theodore Roosevelt’s grab for centralized executive power at the expense of congress and I agree with the Supreme Court finding the AAA and the NRA unconstitutional. This was definitely the time social reengineering or the American culture and psyche. In my opinion the New Deal did not get America out of the Great Depression. That was caused by World War II. It did prove that massive government spending can have an effect on the economy albeit a short term effect in my opinion. I am concerned that we are doomed to repeat this process with the current administration and economy. I learned a lot researching this and the similarity between now and then frankly scares the hell out of me.

My response:

Wow, that was quite an email. Tons of details I quite frankly wasn't familiar with. And filled with an alphabet soup of government acronyms. But really, you need to project all the way to the end of WWII, because the government grew and grew and life got even harder with shortages and rationing. The Great Depression didn't end until the massive government takeover of the economy was massively scaled back in the months and years after VJ day. That coupled with the ruinous destruction of the economies of the rest of the Western world, and the US economy grew at an unprecedented rate.

You also leave out the role of the Federal Reserve, astonishingly. Created in 1912, it created the credit bubble that fostered the 'roaring twenties' which popped in 1929. Then for the duration of the 30's it UNDERprinted the currency. There literally was almost no $$$ to be had. Plus all of the programs under FDR were funded with public debt, not to mention WWII.

Thoughts anyone?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Does this sound shady to you?

Got this email recently while looking for work. Check it out:

from Resource Manager


Hello Candidate ,

We are glad to hear from you with your interview answer.Very have gone through it thoroughly and we are glad to let you know you passed the interview and you have given the oppourtunity to work and earn pay with the company. Your Salary is going to be $400 per week, you will be recieving your pay every weekend. You have been required to take a proffessional assignment that serves as a Test of trust (TOT) which would involve you handling your mini-office purchases and transactions such as your new laptop and printer through the company shipper .The company will pay for all the expenses inquired in purchasing the equipments and software but you will proceed with this test under strict instruction which will be explained to you in a bit.

Note : The company will be resposible for funds needed to purchase this softwares and equipments.You will be working for the company and you will be paid every week either via check,paypal,credit card,bank transfer...whichever you prefer is fine.

Now to your Test (TOT) : You will be required to go through the proffessional assignment with the company to test your skills,your ability to follow instruction ,level of trust and honesty before you being approved as a worker and at the completion of this,we will get your appiontment letter sent to you via courier along with your mini office equipments.This assignment is called the * TOT OF TRUST*.You are required to recieve payment onbehalf of the company,process it and document it.The payment will come in form of check .

The payment will be delivered to you via courier service(ups),Once you recieve it,you will have it cashed at the bank,you will also deduct $200 for yourself as sign up bouns fee.After deducting the total of $200,You will be required to send the balance of the money via money gram money transfer to the company*s shipping agent who will ship to you all your data entry softwares and your mini office equipment that would have the company name on it and also your personal Initails branded on it.These items will include a brand new laptop computer,coloured printer and other equipments to set up your mini office at home and start work asap.This payment that will be sent to you is meant to test your skills,your ability to follow instruction ,level of trust and honesty,Ability to work in a fast paced environment while maintaining accuracy and confidentiality and most importantly your experince with handling and disbursing cash.i wil provide to you the tracking # to the package containing the payment so you can keep me eye on it to know when you're getting it and i will email you the shipper*s details to foward balance for your mini office equipments.

To proceed E-mail me the following details now so it can be fowarded to the account dept of the company and it can also be entered into the data base of the company and sent out to who will be making out the payment..

Title email as: TOT INFORMATION .


Contact address.......(physical home address):




Home and cell phone #..... :

email address:

Will be expecting your detail asap so you can recieve you mini office equipments and start work .

Dr Jay Pron .

Full of spelling errors and reeks of money laundering. My friends think its a scam. What do you think?


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Better representation: Increase Congress to 1000

The number of Representatives in Congress has been fixed at 435 since 1913, not long after the creation of the Federal Reserve and the income tax. Now originally, there were 30,000 people for every House Rep. When the number 435 was reached, there were about 212,000 people for every official in the House.

Today, there are over 700,000 people represented by only 1 congressman.

Does that sound right to you? Certainly not the original intent of the Founding Fathers. Now, I'm not advocating that we go back to the original ratio of 1/30000. That would be unwieldy, since we have at least 300 million Americans, resulting in a House with 10,000 members! Yikes!

Now why the heck am I bringing this apportionment issue up? Well many of you know that I want turnover in my political systems. Fewer voters means fewer voters to change their minds. Not only that, if you really want fresh blood and to minimize the effect of tenure, just make the pool larger.

The arbitrary number 435 is not written into the Constitution. Its merely an Act of Congress, so all it would take to change it is another Act. With the Democrats back in power (and feeling overconfident), and another census on the way, now is the time to build a bigger House. We can sell it as a way to cement their power, as well as being more democratic.

1500. That is how many house of Representative I want. Yes, this is a huge increase, but hey, so is the change from our population back then to now. The U.K. has 650 Members of Parliament, and we vastly outnumber them. Shouldn't we be more representative than merry ol England? With 1500 members of the house, we would be back to the ratio from the 1910's, about 1 to 200000. Less than the ideal beginnings, but not so large that it becomes impossible to work with.

Running some numbers: Wyoming would get at least 2 or 3, South Dakota gets 4, Montana 4 or 5. Previously all states under a million residents only got 1 representative! If we added Guam, US Virgin Islands, Northern Marianas Islands, and/or American Samoa (all with under 200,000) they would still only get one Rep, and not be in the same boat as the current 7 smallest states. Other potential states like Puerto Rico or New Zealand would get about 20 and 21 respectively. But I would probably fix the # at 1500 even if we added new states, but only by Act, not by changing the constitution.

California and Texas would have about 184 and 122 respectively, but they have gigantic populations. Of course, I would encourage large states to separate and add additional senators, but that's a separate argument. But larger state should have more of a voice in national politics. Plus more voices = more dissention.

So that's the thrust of my argument. More information in the websites listed below. All I want to do is make the government reflect the will of the people, and that's much easier when Representative actually represent small, specific populations. Of course, I still want them to run at large...

