Sunday, November 06, 2016

The Case Against Hillary Clinton (Part 3)

The Case Against Hillary Clinton (Part 3):

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING on this one, folks.

Trying to find the tamest links, but the darkest things you don't dare imagine are associated with the Clintons...

Bill Clinton's black son was in foster care while his dad was president:

Chelsea Clinton is actual the daughter of Webster Hubbell:

Hillary's chief aide Huma Abedin married Athony Weiner:

Huma Abedin's mother is anti-feminist and pro-FGM:

Clintons flew to island owned by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein:

Occult cannibalism? Witchcraft? They want you for dinner!

Links to former posts:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Monday, October 31, 2016

The case against Hillary Clinton (Part 2)

The case against Hillary Clinton (Part 2):

Hillary Clinton is under active investigation by the FBI.

If elected, and not immediately impeached, she will be the most compromised and blackmail-able Commander-in-Chief we have had, including her husband (impeached for lying under oath to cover-up Monica), Nixon (would a Clinton resign over a Watergate equivalent scandal today?) or Andrew Johnson (impeached in 1868 and only one vote shy from being removed from office).

Here is another list of felonies committed by Hillary. I could probably make lists every day before the election. I may have to.

Please like/forward/whatever this to concerned citizens.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Mass resignations from FBI over Hillary emails coverup

100 incriminating emails leaked by WikiLeaks

Sudden deaths and 'suicides' in the Clinton Body-Count

Hillary illegally coordinating with Super-Packs using Donald Duck!?!

Hillary & Stan Lee violating election laws. I myself uploaded this in 2007!

All the ones from Part 1:

Friday, October 14, 2016

The case against Hillary Clinton

The case against Hillary Clinton:

Wading through the dozens of scandals that have been surrounding the Clintons for decades, I have compiled some of the worst of the worst. Any ONE of these would immediately disqualify (or imprison) someone running for office, but rules are for mortals, right?

Stealing the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders:

Seth Rich murdered (wallet/watch not stolen), likely leaked DNC info:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported Libyan rebels, destroyed country:

Hillary Clinton Armed ISIS:

Clinton Foundation scandals- conflicts of interest and foreign influence:

Clinton Foundation paid by Russians to secure uranium mining:

Overview of Hillary private email server:

Clinton private email Felonies:

FBI investigation of server (mass corruption):

Some of the many scandals from the 1990's:

Intimidating Clinton rape victims:

Laughing at child rape victim:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Wheel of Time TV series! Hope they call it: The Dragon Reborn

WoT TV series may happen after all! After Game of Thrones (based off A Song of Ice and Fire) and The Shannara Chronicles (based off Elfstones of Shannara), I really hope to see more epic fantasy serialized.

Been tinkering with ideas on how this series would work. They would likely drop a lot of story-lines (like Perrin's) and characters (hopefully NOT Perrin). The whole series takes place over three years or less, and I'm very sure that they would try to have it go much longer (kids in Game of Thrones are adults by now).

Anyway, I envision a seven season, ten episodes per season show called THE DRAGON REBORN to look something like this:


Season 1:  Book 1 (The Eye of the World). This book covers a lot of ground, quite literally. Works out to be one town per episode. Give Perrin/Egwene chapters separate episodes, so viewers get used to not seeing Rand every time.

Season 2: Prequel, Books 2-3 (New Spring, The Great Hunt, The Dragon Reborn). Two episodes for NS as a secondary jumping on point; then 4 for TGH and 4 for TDR. More expensive special effects and growing cast, but no wars yet.

Season 3: Books 4-5 (The Shadow Rising, Fires of Heaven). 5 episodes each. Massive tonal shift with the Aiel, and huge battle scenes. Also has several 'deaths' in season finale. Who kills Asmodean?

Season 4: Books 6-8 (Lord of Chaos, A Crown of Swords, The Path of Daggers). 4 episodes for LOC, 3 for ACOS, and 3 for TPOD. Series starts slowing down here, so more books per season to compensate. Season finale has the only real hot war with the Seanchan.

Season 5: Books 9-11 (Winter's Heart, Crossroads of Twilight, Knife of Dreams). 4 episodes for WH, 2 for COT, and 4 for KOD. Last Robert Jordan books here, I expect the series to drift away a bit from the source material ala Game of Thrones. Hopefully Perrin will be searching for his wife for less than a season.

Season 6: Books 12-13(The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight). 5 episodes each. Brandon Sanderson really picks up the pace here, and we finally get payoffs that I want to see expanded upon.

Season 7: Book 14 (A Memory of Light). 10 episodes devoted to the Last Battle. Sanderson was sprinting through plotlines to finish off this series, but here I want to really do full justice to them and mine every note Robert Jordan scribbled down. I want to see fighting in the Ways, Seanchan civil war, troubles in Shara, etc. I desperately want a scene with all the Two Rivers boys together. Lets stick the landing on this series, and present its ultimate incarnation.

And that's it. I've been tinkering with what chapters would correspond to which episodes, but this is the gist of it. I desperately hope that this show gets the freedom, budget, and love that it so desperately deserves.

I would watch and love every episode, even if one is titled 'Crossroads of Twilight' *sigh*.