Monday, June 25, 2007

Proposed constitutional amendments

I've been promising to do this for a while, but here are some of the proposed amendments I'd make to the constitution:

Repeal of the 16th amendment. Government never should have been given the power to tax the income of individuals. It punishes productivity, aggravates millions, and is completely unnecessary to finance federal government.

Rights of non-citizens. Are illegal aliens granted constitutional rights? Prisoners in Gitmo? Astronauts in space? Ambiguity on whom the constitution applies (and where) really need to be defined, and the ability for government suspend rights guaranteed by the constitution nullified.

Abortion. Currently the federal government has no authority over abortion, either to make it legally available for women or to prohibit it. Despite what the courts say, there is nothing in the constitution that addresses this. If there is going to be a federal policy, lets amend the constitution to establish it as a right or make it illegal; otherwise the federal government should stay the heck out of it.

Secession. This issue is so huge, I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed before. Heck, we fought a civil war over this! The constitution sets out criteria for joining the United States; it makes no mention of leaving the union. This really needs to be addressed: people should be free to have the choice to leave the union without violence, preferably by popular vote of the state (Hawaii would be the first to go). Also covered should be the splitting up of states (like Texas or California), merging (Dakotas), and eviction or kicking out of a state by the rest of the country (which may happen to California eventually).

Highest law of the land. This one shouldn't be necessary, but there should be an amendment that says the US Constitution is the highest law of the land, above organizations like the UN, NATO, NAFTA, the proposed North American Union, and any other international organization. Also there should be *no* circumstances under which the constitution should be suspended, be it martial law or what have you.

Thats all for now!


Friday, June 15, 2007

Ron Paul coming to Arizona TOMARROW!

Saturday, June 16, 2007, 9:00 AM

Phoenix Sky Harbor Air Port
3400 E Sky Harbor Blvd
Phoenix , AZ 85034


*** Arriving Flight info: ***

Airline: USAir
Arrival: 09:11 AM Saturday June 16
Terminal 4 at sky harbor
(either the "A" or "B" gates which will not be determined until just before arrival)

It is suggested everyone park in short term terminal 4 parking, parking is level 4 to level 9, arrivals/gates are level 3. A gates are on the west end. B gates are on the east end of the terminal.

Fox News Network will be there to interview Ron Paul at 10am (the more people there the better).

RP talks to the ARA at 12:00. Talk with Q&A is 1 hr. So finish at 1:00 PM. Figure it will take another 30 to get out the door (handshakes photos etc) and to the car. 20, 25 drive to Sky Harbor. So? Supporters to Terminal #2 by 2:00 for another chance to meet Ron Paul.

Departure is Continental at 14:55 actual flight time out of terminal 2. There is only
security checkpoint in 2. So we should have no problems finding him. :) only question is
what time do we tell/ask everyone to be there for departure.