Monday, October 31, 2016

The case against Hillary Clinton (Part 2)

The case against Hillary Clinton (Part 2):

Hillary Clinton is under active investigation by the FBI.

If elected, and not immediately impeached, she will be the most compromised and blackmail-able Commander-in-Chief we have had, including her husband (impeached for lying under oath to cover-up Monica), Nixon (would a Clinton resign over a Watergate equivalent scandal today?) or Andrew Johnson (impeached in 1868 and only one vote shy from being removed from office).

Here is another list of felonies committed by Hillary. I could probably make lists every day before the election. I may have to.

Please like/forward/whatever this to concerned citizens.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Mass resignations from FBI over Hillary emails coverup

100 incriminating emails leaked by WikiLeaks

Sudden deaths and 'suicides' in the Clinton Body-Count

Hillary illegally coordinating with Super-Packs using Donald Duck!?!

Hillary & Stan Lee violating election laws. I myself uploaded this in 2007!

All the ones from Part 1:

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