Sunday, June 07, 2009

Perfect Warlock Rotation

I've been working on a super Shadow Bolt spec for my level 80 Warlock for World of Warcraft. At the moment, it looks like this:

Yes, I know, really weird looking Destruction/Affliction hybrid spec. But its designed to majorly beef up all of the Shadow spells: Curse of Agony, Corruption, Shadowburn, and of course Shadow Bolt. Plus I get Conflagrate, which rocks. Now whats the rotation for this weird setup you might ask? It goes something like this:

Always start with Life Tap, then

Shadow Bolt
Shadow Bolt
Curse of Agony
Shadow Bolt
Shadow Bolt

Repeat until dead. Looks a little funny, but over the course of 24 seconds, Shadow Embrace is always up (stacked twice), Conflag goes off right at the end of Immolate, and Curse of Agony and Corruption are always up, tho Corruption does get clipped on a regular basis.

Of course, with Nightfall, Backlash, and the Glyph of Corruption, there will be a whole bunch of instant cast Shadow Bolts. Might that mess up this awesome rotation? No! In fact, those open up holes in the rotation for supplementary spells:

Shadow Bolt {then} Searing Pain (Chance for Pyroclasm proc)
Shadow Bolt {then} Shadowflame (In case Conflag misses Immolate)
Curse of Agony {if near death} Shadowburn (Finishing move, great w/Conflag)
Shadow Bolt {then} Death Coil (Daze prevents Horror?)
Shadow Bolt {then} Life Tap (Useful anytime)

And still keeps that 24 second cycle going! Nice, eh?

(Not my usual blogpost, I know...)

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