Saturday, June 04, 2005

First Post!

Right then. I've created my blog. Now I just need something insightful to say.




Hmm... You know, its kind of funny. Fifty years from now, the internet will be absolutely enormous, because anything posted on it can't really be deleted. That is what it was designed for, before it went mainstream. So anything I post here will be available for viewing by posterity, for good or ill.

Perhaps a little background info is in order. I'm about a quarter of a century old, a senior in college, an agnostic (for lack of a better term), non-sexually active, mixed race, American, black belt, news junkie, marvel comics fan, sci-fi/fantasy geek, and spends most of my time reading on the internet or in real life (such as it is).

That said, welcome to my website. I'm not sure what sort of perverse plesure you get out of reading it, but by all means continue. Or not.

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