Wednesday, May 09, 2007

One year

Hey all. As several of you know, I've been trying to get into the Peace Corps ever since my graduation from college. Well today my recruiter-guy calls me up and offers me several different destinations! Yay! One caveat though, all of them are in 2008!

Gah! Months, MONTHS I've been trying and waiting to get into this program. I've basically been reducing commitments: moving back into parents so I wouldn't have an apartment lease, avoiding buying a car to avoid payments, seeing old friends that I might never see again... but most of the time sitting in my parents house and waiting to go overseas and make a positive difference in the world.

So now I'm out of school, unemployed, no transportation, no room to call my own, broke with student loans about to spring on me...

So, I'm faced with a several options as to what to do with myself for an entire year:

Get a job- all but a given
Go back to school - Could try to do that Illinois program, or locally
Move- I really am going stir crazy here. Perhaps some friends can put me up for free short term.
Volunteer- Might as well, right?
Travel- Been doing alot of that so far. Requires $$$ I don't have

I need time to process this new piece of data. However, any insight/advice/encouragement would be welcome however.

(Now what?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know where you are going then? Do they speak a different language? Perhaps this might be a good time to learn it. Other than that I've got nothin.