Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Endorcement for 2008

I wasn't terribly excited about 2008. Hillary scares me. Obama seems interesting but inexperienced. My enthusiasm for McCain wore off years ago. Guliani seemed worth more attention, as he seemed fiscally conservative (yay!) and socially liberal (also yay!). But then I woke up to a new possibility. Listening to Rush Limbaugh the morning after the Republican debate, everyone was talking about the comments of Ron Paul.


I checked him out on YouTube. A libertarian out conservativing other republicans! I was smitten. Took a look at his platforms. Wow. He's a man after my own heart. Even though I don't quite agree on his Iraq position, I understand his point of view, and I'm slowly coming around. I signed up to volunteer at his website, and spoke well of him to friends.

Then this weekend, I caught the whole Republican Debate. Wow, he was the only one up there with personality! And he sounded even more like the kind of president I could actually endorse, instead of voting against the other guy! I looked up everything I could on youtube, and decided he was 'the one'. Yes, I'm in love! This guy is awesome!

He could even get the nomination, since its like a year away. But if he doesn't, he really could be a viable third party nomination. He ran on the Libertarian ticket once before in 88. He might even work in my 'Coalition Party' proposition, where a candidate gets the nomination of several minor parties, so as to get on all the ballots at least once. Even if he doesn't get a nomination, I think I'll put him down as a write-in ballot!

Anyway, I've gushed long enough. Go check him out at:

(Wonders if he can be paid for working on his campaign somehow)


Anonymous said...

Sweet! RP 08'!

Anonymous said...

sweet! RP is the man.