Saturday, September 03, 2005


I'm not sure how I feel about the fallout from Hurricane Katrina. I think either that it hasn't sunk in yet, or maybe I'm numb to it. I dunno. I haven't really seen much news about it since I've been busy all week with school.

The US has lost cities before, but its been about a hundred years since the last I think. And those were from earthquakes and/or fires. It'll be interesting how people will rebuild, assuming they do.

The lawlessnes in the city shouldn't really surprise people. I'm just surprised it isn't worse. And it'll stay this bad until things get back to normal, whatever that new normal may be.

Hopefully this'll wake people up as to how powerful and undpredictable mother nature can be. Levies are dangerous. When they go the floods are fast and deep, and the remnants of the levies slow the drainage. Maybe now Louisiana will cut their losses and allow the Mississippi to change channels away from the city.

See, isn't this more fun? Well, not the hurricane, but the shift in format away from my boring life to relevant subject matters? Comment away!

(Way too much reading this semester)

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