Sunday, September 07, 2008

Ron Paul wins the electoral college?

Okay, Ron Paul didn't get the Republican Presidential Nomination. His name isn't going to be on the ballots this fall.

But there is one, final, hail mary tactic we can use to our advantage, something created by the founding fathers for just this very situation:

The Electoral College.

The President of the United States is NOT voted into office by the people. He (and the vice-president) are elected by delegates in the Electoral College. And they can vote for whoever the heck they want!

This is our last chance. If Barr and Baldwin are on board, any delegates they win can vote for Ron Paul instead! With Texas out of play for the main parties, we can get 34 delegates uncontested.

Not only that, we can expand the DVDs4DELEGATES program to convert the electors for McCain AND Obama!

Think about it. Republicans want to hold onto the White House at almost any cost: McCain proves that. But if we can reach those electors, we can make them understand that the founders empowered them to make the best choice for the country, and that they have the last voice in the process. Disgruntled Hillary supporters are probably very well represented in the electoral college. We can get them on board too.

"Winning" on election night does not mean you win the presidential vote. To quote Wikipedia:

"Electors chosen on Election Day meet in their respective state capitals (or in the case of Washington, D.C., within the District) on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, at which time they cast their electoral votes on separate ballots for President and Vice President."

WE CAN STILL WIN! Even better, we can win using the very mechanisms designed by the founding fathers!

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