Friday, November 04, 2005

Where were we...?

Sorry for the month long absence. Too much school, new girlfriend, moving.... life got in the way...

Now, where were we? Eh, I guess I'll just do some comic reviews. I'll wait for the proposed constitutional amendments next time.

She-Hulk #1 Fun issue, definately stay with it till they hit #100 (in about three issues, long story).

HoM #8 Aftermath issue. By itself, good. Profound changes. Way too long storyline though. Whole thing coulda been done in four issues. Grr.

BP #9 Entertaintin, I guess. Still sort of eh. Not pulling my hair out anymore.

MTU #14 Spider-Man and Invincible. This issue blew me away. Excellent insight, characterization, dialogue. Drat, no way I can drop this series now, especially with Darkhawk, Speedball, and Gravity showing up for the next arc...

Young Avengers #8 Cool. Mention of Josiah X (thought he was forgotten). New Vision has imprints of Iron Lad? Add another personality to the heap. The more I read about Vision, the more he looks like a spy for Immortus all along. It would explain some things...

I guess thats everything for now.


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