Monday, August 27, 2007

next star trek series

Star Trek: Defiant

First episode has something no other Trek series ever had: mutiny!

'Evil' captain overthrown by crew and tossed into brig. Of course, that would make the crew outlaws, on the run from the Federation. Now that sets up potential for conflict! And of course they would find a large conspiracy taking over the government, and eventually spearhead a revolution and civil war! Yes, its a little Star Warsish, and very Babylon 5, but mostly new territory for a Trek series. The trick is keeping the evil Cap'n a major character and predominant antagonist and indeterminate loyalties.

Should take place post TNG, DS9, Voyager, and so forth, but soon enough that it could conceivably reuse several characters from those series. Definitely has to use a ship called USS DEFIANT with cloak technology (DS9).

New Characters:
A former Q; Has very different perspective on things, needs memory blocks to prevent quick fix tech solutions. Doctor?
A Romulan; Least explored major species. Engineer?
Blended Male/Female human (ala Tuvix); Two people combined into one in a transporter accident. Explores concepts of identity, gender, and makes Star Trek socially relevant again. Security?
Tholian; First Non-Humanoid crew member?

Well thats enough geeking out for me. Still trying to work in my earlier idea of the Saurians from the Voyager series deciding to take back their ancient homeland of Earth. Hmm....


Saturday, August 25, 2007

I got a job!

Yes, this is the first post in quite a while updating details in my personal life. Sorry, my life is usually less interesting (IMHO) than the random insights I have to share. Anyway, on to the details!

Oddly enough, it started with Ron Paul. Well, more accurately the local meet-up group, to which I decided to go. On the spur of the moment decision, I called a long-time friend of mine, actually he lived next door when I lived in the dorms during my first year in college. Anyway, we usually clash on politics (in an amusing, respectful way) and I was right in my guess that he'd get a kick out of a room full of libertarianish conspiracy nuts like me.

Anyway, before the meeting started, he mentioned that the school he was working for was looking for people to help out disadvantaged junior high kids. We asked each other questions about how well I worked with youngins, and he said he'd talk with the principal about getting me an interview.

So the next morning he gives me a call, and tells me to be there by noon. I show up, and the principal is impressed by my mathmatics background (I can tutor Calculus) and my previous instructional experience (being a black belt). So I pretty much get the job on the spot.

So now I'm a teacher's aide for Junior High students at a charter school. I help with Math, Science, Social Studies, and eventually English too. I really feel like I'm making a difference, and they were totally okay with my leaving for the Peace Corps in May, in fact thats when the school year ends.

So I've got this cool job now, helping the disadvantaged and earning somewhat decent money, with no regrets leaving for the Peace Corps. I am quite pleased.

Now transportation is an issue, since the bus lines don't connect my new job to my current location, so my new friend and I are considering getting an appartment....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ron Paul beats out Guliani, Tompson, and McCain in Iowa straw poll!

Mitt Romney, spending millions of dollars, bought first place in the Iowa Straw poll today. However, more interesting is that Dr. Ron Paul got more votes than Rudy Guliani, John McCain, and Fred Thompson combined! This straw poll illustrates just how inane the status of "front runner" is this early in this wide open campaign.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Is that murder or suicide...?

Its a weird question I like to ask when the rare opportunity presents itself. Which isn't very often. But it is an intriguing question to ask, and one that rarely has an answer. Examples:

Traveling thru time and killing your self
Vizzini in The Princess Bride drinking the poisoned goblet
Anything involving clones
The ending of Fight Club
Rozencranz and Gildenstern in Hamlet
Trying to think of when this has happened, but swapping minds with someone and then trying to kill them/yourself

Just one of my unique quirks.