Sunday, November 20, 2005

At War

My father is now in the Middle East, about to begin his year long tour in Iraq.

The war has suddenly become very personal.

This is hard for me. Conceptually, I understand the why we are there and pretty much agree with the whole policy. But I want my father back. Now.

Part of me wanted to injure him so he wouldn't have to go. Part of me wanted to sign up and go with him. If I thought that taking up arms and hunting down terrorists was the most expedient use of my time, I'd be over there in a heartbeat.

I already know I'll end up there sooner or later. After I graduate, I'm going to work to make the world a better place, and G-d knows that Iraq needs all the help it can get.

Ugh, this is frustrating. My Dad, father of 5 and in his 40's is over there and me, I'm still stuck in school.

It shoulda been me.

Actually, it still might....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know MY Dad age 79 said the same thing. He asked "what do you tell your son who is going off to war and he is already a grandfather?" A very perplexing question. I think I'd like to tell both of you the same thing. I am a professional soldier. I have trained for this for more than twenty years. I am an expert at many forms of combat and though I may not be as good as I once was at any of these I can be as good once as I ever was, to steal a line from Toby Keith. If my action here buys on more day of security and safety for my family then it is all worth it. Death is all around me here. It is a very scary and dangerous place. But this is also where civilization started. Abraham met God here. Jesus taught here and Mohammed prophesized here. The struggle for Life here is very close and personal for these people every day. They have to continue to survive here whether we are here or not. They will make a deal with anyone that helps their family survive one more day. I understand this. I just wish they understood freedom. The concept of true freedom and individualism is both alien and terrifying to them. It grates against their entire culture. I just hope they find their way so both our people can survive. This is my once over here. I hope I’m up to the challenge. I make this pray every day. “God grant me the vision to see a chance at peace, the wisdom to know what to do about it, and the strength to see it through.” I know I come across as a hard liner. I am a soldier and every soldier wants peace more than anything else. That is why I’m here. If I have to fight in the short term to get a chance at a long term peace it’s worth it. My Dad raised me to believe in the American Dream. I am an American and this is my dream. I want peace for my family and theirs. I want us all to grow up without fear. I want to see a stranger as a potential friend rather than an unknown enemy. I don’t want to cower in fear waiting for the enemy to strike. I want to finish this thing so we can all go home and live in peace… I miss you and love you son. Enjoy your peace. Love Dad