Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I said goodbye to my father. He's on his way to Iraq.

True, he'll be stationed in the states for a few months before going, but he's still not coming home until 2007.

Frankly, I'm a little worried. Not just for my Dad (he is getting up there in years), but also for the Iraqi people. He and I have run thru some scenarios, and he doesn't play war nicely. His first priority is victory, and politics are close to the bottom. In certain situations, he could very well escalate the war over there. We'll see.

The hardest part about the separation is that he won't be around to teach me Judo. He's been doing the sport for decades (well, so have I, but only half his time) and he knows things I've only begun to grasp. In this area at least, I still need him.

So yeah, expect to hear more about Iraq in the next year or two. Definately.

(Love you Dad)

1 comment:

Lurker said...

Wow, hey this does work. Cool!

No need to worry about things on this end Dad. You've raised a bunch of dependable, self-reliant offspring.

Many, many people have you in their prayers (some of them were a surprise to me!). Our already deep respect for you has increased, though I'll still toss in some playful jabs about your physical appearence.

Remember that you are loved.
