Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Summer school sucks

Ugh. What a long month. I've been taking Spanish 202 for a summer session just to get it out of the way. It is less than a hassle than a taking normal class would have been, but man it is still time consuming.

Heads up! On sunday night NASA is going to slam a probe into a comet, and it should be visable to people on the west coast with binoculars or telescopes. I'll have more info when its closer.

Morrowind is addictive and way too huge. I could be playing this one for quite a while....

Found an interesting language system that uses about 120 basic concepts to create just about any word or idea. I'll definately be 'borrowing' at least some of this for ZeroPlus:

Saw Bush's speech last night. Fairly effective. I'm not sure what would silence his critics. A timeline perhaps? Spelling out exactly what needs to happen in what order (minus dates) would quell some fears of being stuck forever in Iraq.

(I wonder if anyone's actualy been to this blog yet.... I need a counter....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...